Friday, December 27, 2019

HRs Role in Employee Termination

HRs Role in Employee TerminationHRs Role in Employee TerminationHRs Role in Employee TerminationWhen it comes to terminating employees, HR can help shape the process, guide the conversation and minimize potential damage to both company and employee. But it cant assume the responsibility nor make the task pleasant for anyone involved.Still, HR should always be a significant part of any termination in any company, says Amy Schrameck, rtlich director of human resources for a large retail company. HR provides checks and balances, enayas company policy and procedures are followed and, often working with the legal department, makes sure all actions conform to legal guidelines.Jeanne Knight, a former HR director for high tech companies, prefers to become involved before termination becomes necessary. Through proactive coaching and training with managers, we can help them understand that they shouldnt get to the point where they want to fire the person today, she says. If they come to us whe n they first suspect a problem, we can help them manage the process that can lead to improved performance or create a well-documented path toward termination.Your Companys Culture Determines HRs InvolvementAt companies where HR is seen as strategically partnered with executives and business lines, its common for HR to be called in early to help shape the discussions and steer the actions. These companies also typically have a well-defined process for performance reviews and employee termination. At other companies, HR may have to be more assertive about becoming involved, developing a track record and building trust to prove your value in this process.Help Managers Have Clear ConversationsAccording to Knight, a career coach in Melrose, Massachusetts, a key HR role is helping managers have clear, forthright performance conversations with employees. Managers dont like having those conversations, she says. Theyre uncomfortable, and that can result in lack of clarity.HR can help the man ager clearly define goals, objectives and performance expectations and might provide wording. HR also can follow up to make sure the employee clearly understands expectations and next steps.Clear communication, a well-documented process and early HR support for managers can eliminate the firing surprise factor for employees. The worst thing that can happen is that an employee is shocked by being fired, says Knight. Thats when you have lawsuits.Adds Schrameck, In fact, we find that employees ultimately terminate themselves, because they dont change their behaviors or improve their performance.When the Ax FallsWhen its time to terminate, both Schrameck and Knight recommend doing it right away rather than waiting for a specific time of day or weekday. Its going to feel bad no matter what day you do it, says Knight. More important than when you do it is how its handled.Schrameck says the conversation should be short, sweet and to the point. HR can coach managers on what to say and may s erve as an objective observer during the termination conversation, ensuring managers use appropriate language and avoid escalating a potentially emotional situation.According to Schrameck and Knight, managers shouldTell the employee that because he has not adhered to agreed-upon performance expectations, he is being terminated immediately.Be empathetic but not sympathetic.Avoid wavering if the employee becomes emotional or promises to reform.Clearly state what will happen next Im going to walk you down to HR now well complete some paperwork, and you can arrange to get your things.Tell the employee additional questions can be handled by HR.Exceptions to the RuleIf you think a terminated employee might become extremely emotional, consider scheduling the discussion for when the fewest people will be around to observe the scene. And if there is even the remotest possibility of violence, put the security staff on notice, or let another trusted member of management know what is about to t ake place, says Schrameck.The Fundamental Goal of TerminationBoth Schrameck and Knight stress the primary goal is to maintain the employees dignity throughout a difficult process. Just because were terminating an employee doesnt mean theyre a bad human being, says Schrameck. We want to walk away having handled them professionally and with respect.Knight concurs. HRs role through the whole process is to help the employee leave with dignity. Even more fundamentally, HR can shape the culture of the company, where employees dont live in fear and where employment processes are equitable, she says.In the end, when HR intervention results in a smoother process and fewer disgruntled employees, managers should come to value your expertise and call on you at an early stage whenever there is the potential for termination.

Monday, December 23, 2019

35% of Americans would give up the right to vote for a raise

35% of Americans would give up the right to vote for a raise35% of Americans would give up the right to vote for a raiseWith the economy on the upswing and job creation on the rise, things are looking up and workers are hoping to cash in. Everyone wishes theycould just march into their bosss office and ask for pay raise (if you try this, there are things you shouldavoid doing), but its not that easy. And whilesome companies have paid bonuses and boosted pay after the new tax bill passed, more than half of U.S. workers did not receive a raise in 2017.So, what would Americans do for a salary increase? Just about anything.LendEDU surveyed 1,238 employed people in the U.S. and asked what they would be willing to sacrifice for a 10% raise. The results were interesting, to say the least.Over one-third of respondents (34.98%) said they would give up the right to vote in all elections for life just to secure an extra 10% in pay, while 9% said they would give up their childs or future childs right to vote for the rest of their lives.Over half of the people surveyed (55.9%) thought thatputting in an extra 10 hours per week for life was worth a bump in pay, apparently not realizing that working 25% more hours for a 10% bump isnt exactly a good tradeoff.Some other notable things respondents said theyd forego for a 10% raise88.61% would stop watching Game of Thrones for life73.42% would give up all alcoholic beverages for the next five years55.9% would work an extra 10 hours per week for life53.55% would give up all social media for five years50.65% would give up watching movies for the next three years50.4% would work one day every weekend for the next year43.86% would give up exercise for the next five years40.06% would give up dental care15.27% would give up all of their vacation days for the next five years18.9% would give up access to health insurance for the next five years12.2% would break up with their partner or significant other5.33% would eat a single Tide Pod

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

What it Takes to Be an Art Dealer, Questroyal Fine Arts Louis M. Salerno Advises

What it Takes to Be an Art Dealer, Questroyal Fine Arts Louis M. Salerno AdvisesWhat it Takes to Be an Art Dealer, Questroyal Fine Arts Louis M. Salerno AdvisesMany species dealers own their own art galleries in order to exhibit and sell art. Running an art gallery is similar to having a small business however, there are some key differences between an art gallery and a retail business. To be an art dealer requires a special skills set. What it Takes to Be an Art Dealer In this exclusive interview with Fine Art, gallery owner and art dealer Louis M. Salerno, Owner of Questroyal Fine Art, LLC offers professional advice for budding art dealers Good Eye I think there are two things every dealer needs a good eye, or ability to visually identify artists and quality, and an entrepreneurial spirit. Finding the right paintings to offer to your clients is a dealers number one priority usually if you choose correctly- meaning you choose a work you would buy yourself that is of sound co ndition and value- then the painting will sell itself. Knowing what this type of painting looks likes is the part that requires a good eye- you need to be able to tell the difference between quality works and so-so works. Luckily, this is a skill that can be learned nearly anyone can visit museums to compare works of art or read books about an artists life and paintings. Training your eye can take a while, but its something that will exponentially improve over time. Entrepreneurial Spirit I also say an entrepreneurial spirit because it is the common denominator amongst the most successful art dealers I know. Most of my peers do not come from a formal art education or background rather, they found their love of art and dedicated themselves to learning about it. They then transformed this love into innovative marketing strategies and infectious adoration of their product- two things that always draw in buyers. * * * * mora Info on Art Galleries What Are the Various Types of Ar t Galleries? Art galleries, which are spaces to exhibit and sell artworks, range in a wide variety of models..Learn more.How Do You Open an Art Gallery? When starting a business such as an art gallery, what are the necessary first steps to take?...Heres how.An art gallery and an art museum are both places to go see and experience art. What Is the Difference Between an Art Gallery and an Art Museum? More about Fine Art Art conservation is vital to preserve artworks for many generations.Working as a freelance curator or in-house museum curator are both satisfying career choices. Learn more about working as an art curator.Artists often make creative breakthroughs by attending an artist residency. Check Fine Arts listing of Artist Residencies from around the globe.

Friday, December 13, 2019

12 Ways to Improve your Email Leads

12 Ways to Improve your Email Leads12 Ways to Improve your Email Leads12 Ways to Improve your Email Leads Bodnar and Jeffrey L. Cohen, co-authors of The B2B Social Media Book (Wiley, 2012)Excerpted with permission of the publisher John Wiley Sons, Inc.,from The B2B Social Media Book Become a Marketing Superstar by Generating Leads with Blogging, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Email, and More by Kipp Bodnar and Jeffrey L. Cohen (c) 2012 by Kipp Bodnar and Jeffrey L. Cohen.1.Do I know you? Make schmelzglass more personal by choosing a senders name that people recognize, instead of your company name. This could be the chief executive officer (CEO), the head of sales or marketing, or another notable person from your company.2.Whats it all about? Use the subject line to set expectations for recipients. Let them know the contents of the emaille before they open it. Dont say things like Our Companys Weekly Update or Monthly Email Newsletter. Be specific with subject lines.3.Offer them the wo rld The fruchtwein successful lead generation emails present one compelling offer, a clear CTA, and expectations of whats on the other side of the click. This is called a dedicated send and can be sent to a segmented list of prospects or customers based on datathat they are interested in.4.The mouse has landed Every click on an email offer needs to take prospects to a clear landing page. These should be optimized so that visitors know exactly what to do when they arrive. If they clicked on an offer to receive an ebook, they should come to a page that tells them what to do to get that ebook and nothing else.5.All links rise with the tide Human behaviordoes not always match our expectations. Most would think that the click-through rate for any individual link would be higher if there were fewer links. Social media scientist Dan Zarrella conducted an email study and found that the more links that were contained in an email, the higher the click-through rate of all links.6.Put down wha t you want to hearDont send email simply to keep regular communication going. Create an ongoing plan of relevant content-based offersfor social media marketingthat will drive leads.If you have a steady flow of content on the geschftliches miteinander blog, consider compiling that into an ebook with the addition of an introduction from an outside industry expert. This adds new context to information your prospects may have already seen.7.You talking to me? Any standard email program allows you to segment your sends to appropriate members of your audience. Although an email opt-in allows you to continue to contact subscribers without them taking additional action, if you provide information that does not relate to them, they will unsubscribe.8.Nurture leads throughout the buying cycle An initial email opt-in is a top of the funnel action. A prospect is interested in your products or services and wants to learn more. That person also might be exploring how you deal with prospects. Once he or she has received a variety of information and has demonstrated movement along in the buying cycle, that prospect needs to be considered part of a different segment. The prospect is not a lead until he or she fills out an offer form.9.Test, test, test One of the best things about digital marketing is the ability to test elements of an offer and review which one has better results. This makes your next campaign even better. The fruchtwein important thing to test with an email is a subject line. This determines whether recipients open the email or not. Test different offers and calls to action.Subtle differences do not yield widely different results.10.Evaluate plain vanilla text emails versus the chocolate of HTML Most email programs can receive an HTML, or designed, email and do not require plain text email. But many programs have images turned off by default. This means that an email that is one big image may look blank to subscribers. And with the increasing use of mobile de vices, there is a revived interest in creating and sending a plain text email along with an HTML email.11.Everyone is reading email on the go Have you looked at the emails you send on a mobile device? Are your offers clear? Do recipients know what to click on? Smartphones can display HTML emails, but everything is small. Optimize these emails for mobile devices.12.How often is too often? Just as more links drive more traffic through all links not less more frequent emails, of relevant, quality offers and content, provide more engagement. In early 2011, MarketingProfs, the marketing content, education and events company, changed their weekly email to a daily email.According to Ann Handley, chief content officer, based on site traffic and other engagement metrics, The design of the email is created to be short, quick, easy to ingest. It is very scannable, so recipients know what to expect and find out quickly if there is something for them.Author BiosKipp Bodnar, co-author of The B2 B Social Media Book,is an Inbound Marketing Strategist at HubSpot, the inbound marketing software leader. He is co-founder of, the leading online resource for social medias impact on B2B marketing.Jeffrey L. Cohen, co-author of The B2B Social Media Book, is a Social Strategist at Radian6. He is co-founder of

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Top Choices of Example of a Resume

Top Choices of Example of a Resume Functional resumes are perfect for individuals who dont have a lot of work experience about the job they are applying for. Even in the event that youve never held an official job, its still true that you have life experience thats applicable to the work search. Your jobs could be varied, your experience and techniques vast, and it can be hard getting it all on paper. It is crucial that you tailor your resume for each job application to raise the fit between you, the job and the employer. In many other nations, a curriculum vitae is fundamentally the exact thing as a resume. There arent any formal education requirements to be a cashier. Resume objectives can be a little controversial. The Research When you produce your scholarship resume, youll need to sort through the situations youve done in life that might be considered pertinent to a college career. Whatever They Told You About Example of a Resume Is Dead Wrong...And Heres Why Its poss ible to organize your resume in many diverse ways, but the next order works well. Taking a phrase or two or observing the very saatkorn format as the sample will be sufficient to make certain that youre on the proper path and that your resume starts in the proper way. Even though the power of example can be enough a lot of the times, its also helpful to be aware that the incipient portion of the resume should ideally contain an objective statement. It might be hard to produce a formulation of your own which will gather your whole knowledge in 1 phrase. Also, you will need to get some resume objective samples at your disposal to have a look at them before actually writing your very own objective statement. The GOOD example indicates a Summary that presents similar data in a means that is considerably more meaningful to a prospective employer. Keep in mind, your personal statement is meant to sell yourself. A personal statement on your CV is an excellent way to provide your work application extra effects. The Example of a Resume Cover Up The samples below are a representative range of all the available examples on our site. You will binnensee thousands of such samples available. If youre interested in an infographic format, below are some infographic samples to check out. To begin with, the majority of the samples you will discover are free on the net, so anyone can gain access to them. Actually, understanding how to explain a eu-agrarpolitik in your CV is chiefly about confidence. However tempting it may be to stretch the truth, lying on your resume is always a poor idea. Possessing a loose idea in your head free of timeline will almost always bring about failure. The very first impression is normally the lasting impression, and therefore it is by far the most important one. Possessing a positive mindset is essential to keeping things in perspective and reminding you your unemployment is just short-term. A special life situation needs a unique resume. Work ought to be a joyous, an enjoyable experience in a positive working atmosphere. Not everybody is good at handling others, so in case you can offer hard evidence of your people skills by quantifying the impact youve made through exceptional customer support, youre going to be irresistible to possible employers. If youre in a creative position (like graphic design), think about using a nontraditional resume. As with other creative resumes, it isnt meant for the majority of employers, so you might want to get a traditionally formatted resume on hand to complement it. Be certain to include quantifiable information to truly drive home how valuable you can be to a prospective employer. For example, you could attempt sending out a definite number of resumes weekly. A number of the templates could possibly be available for free while for others you may need to pay a price. By comparison, your reference list shouldnt include things like close relatives like parent, sibli ng, and spouses. Below, you will locate a list of resume examples that may assist you with your work search. The Unusual Secret of Example of a Resume You will see such samples for all of the jobs and fields of experience. Writing a resume for employment in the art industry can be difficult. If youre searching for jobs as a cashier, you will want to make sure that youre employing the very best job seeking skills. What will be able to help you to acquire work in the area which you desire is a well-written and convincing career-change-level resume. Recruitment consultants often utilize ATS also. Resumes usually get only a fast review, or so the committee may not take the opportunity to review a long resume. Accounting and finance managers may wish to see your technical understanding.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

87 Percent of Workers put Love Before Careers

87 Percent of Workers put Love Before Careers According to Spherions recent WorkSphere survey, 70 percent of workers believe its more important for them to focus on their personal lives first and then their careers. A whopping 87 percent of respondents said that when it comes to pursuing love, they would not delay or decide to forgo marriage or enter into personal relationships for the sake of their careers. The survey of more than 2,000 adult workers revealed that todays workers are willing to sacrifice their careers for love whether that means not taking a new job because it does not offer spousal benefits (46 percent) or taking a back seat with their own job for their spouses professional success. The survey found that both men (72 percent) and women (73 percent) are willing to focus less on their careers for the sake of their lebensgefhrtes career and family life. Around one-in-10 (9 percent) workers said they have already taken a back seat in their career to help their spouse or partner advance instead, and 26 percent of workers are extremely or very willing to do so.Workers are even mixing business with pleasure as 26 percent of respondents reported that they met a spouse or partner at work.These findings illustrate that many workers are making their personal lives, their relationships and their families their top priorities, even ahead of their careers in many instances, Sandy Mazur, Spherions division president, said. For most employees, work-life balance is a top priority and their job responsibilities must be able to be integrated into their personal lives for them to define their careers as successful.Other key highlights include61 percent of employees disagree that having a spouse or partner can slow down a persons career advancement.Just 18 percent of employees said they would delay or decide not to have children because of their career73 percent of workers who se employer offered benefits to their spouse or partner were more likely to stay with the employer because of the spousal/partner benefits72 percent reported that they are more satisfied with their job because their employer offers benefits to their spouse or partner